instant replays

美 [ˈɪnstənt ˌriːˈpleɪz]英 [ˈɪnstənt ˌriːˈpleɪz]
  • n.(电视画面的)即时重播,慢镜头回放
  • instant replay的复数
instant replaysinstant replays

instant replays


  • 1
    N-COUNT (电视画面的)即时重播,慢镜头回放
    An instant replay is a repeated showing, usually in slow motion, of an event that has just been on television.

  1. On one disputed call we saw instant replays from different angles two or three times .


  2. The televised game , for all the advantages of instant replays and on-screen statistics , was said to be a diluted version of the real thing .
